My new health priorities

Over the last year of my life, my health priorities have changed dramatically. I used to unapologetically live for the moment I was in without realizing that the habits I was creating were harmful in the long run. Sure, who doesn’t love Cheez-Its? But eating a box in one sitting at least once a week isn’t exactly the best approach to health longevity, and one questionable set of lab reports from the doctor quickly got me on track. I absolutely recognize differences in my overall wellbeing, energy, mental clarity, and sleep when I focus on my health priorities. Like anything, sticking to these practices doesn’t happen every single day of every single week — I will absolutely indulge when dining out with my fiancé, spending time with my family, attending a sporting event, etc., with these priorities always being the center that I return to.

Water intake

Proper hydration and water intake is not only one of my health priorities, but the foundation of every other practice. I can immediately tell the difference in my mental state, focus, and energy levels when I’m dehydrated, so I try to avoid getting to that space at all costs. Accomplishing this is relatively straightforward, requiring a trusty reusable water bottle. I am a Stanley girl, rotating between my three 40 oz bottles throughout the week. My minimum water intake is 80 oz a day, and I aim for 120. When I think about drinking three of my Stanley’s worth of water, it feels a lot more attainable. I say find a cup or bottle that works for you, and get to hydrating from there!

Clean eating

While I absolutely love indulging in a great meal (and don’t even get me started on my love of bread), I do find that keeping my food routine as clean as possible allows me to show up as my best self. There’s nothing worse, to me, than waking up on a weekday morning at 6 am only to feel bloated and bogged down from the dinner prior. With this in mind, I keep my food goals relatively straightforward, track my macros, and make sure that I’m hitting the goals I’ve set for myself. My macros break down to the following: 2,002 caloric intake per day, with 154 grams of protein, 46 grams of fat, and 243 grams of carbs. These breakdowns are designed in order to help me lose fat and gain muscle — though if you’re wanting to lose weight, a caloric deficit is required.


Moving my body and sticking to my exercise routine has absolutely changed my life. There was a point where leading such an aggressive dance career was debilitating, but so was living a sedentary lifestyle. I had to find the happy medium, and maintaining my gym and exercise habits is the middle ground I was looking for. Here is a full breakdown of my gym routine.


Exercise can be a life-changing endeavor, but I’d be lying if I said that I always enjoy it. That’s where recreation comes in, and not a lot of physical activity gives me more joy than pickleball! I’ve been playing for about a year and love it. The friendly competition, being outside, playing with friends — it really is such a great way of moving without containing yourself to the gym. Ten out of 10 recommend.

No alcohol in the work week

There was a time — in college and the year that followed — where I was having a drink or two every evening. I wouldn’t go as far to say that I was drinking in excess, but given that my family has a rich history of addiction, it’s something I am and have always been acutely aware of. So with that said, I stick to not drinking during the work week, and only drink on the weekends socially. There is something that doesn’t quite sit with me right about ever drinking on my own, nor looking to alcohol as a source of relief. There are plenty of practices — exercise, deep breathing, tea drinking, etc. — that I’d rather turn.


I know that protein is the trendy intake metric at the moment, but getting enough really is important. I aim to get 154 grams of protein a day — I’ll be honest, sometimes I fall short, but I at a minimum will hit 130, sourcing from animal products, pea protein, and whey. Protein really is the foundation of health, and I feel a significant difference when I prioritize it in my diet.

Quality (and limited) coffee

To say that I had a coffee problem as a young adult is a significant understatement. There was a time I was drinking anywhere between four and five large cups of coffee a day, literally shaking in my boots before eating a meal. No longer is that the case, and instead of focusing on quantity, I’m all about quality. Investing in a SMEG espresso machine was one of the best decisions, and I find it an exciting search to find the best locally sourced coffee beans. Making my espresso in the mourning — grinding the beans, using the tamper and distributor — has become what I can only describe as a ritual, and it really is the best way to kick off my day.


my a.m. & p.m. routines